Author Archives: Mick Phillips
Letter of thanks from OAB
Last week, we handed over a donation to the Oxfordshire Association for the Blind. Today, we received a very nice letter of thanks!
2014 Autumn Buzzard
Come out, ’tis now September
Twice in one week
Pear Tree Inn, Hook Norton
We’re in the paper!
Prince of Wales, Shippon
The Prince of Wales has been a regular venue for Cry Havoc over the last five years, thanks to the great welcome we always receive from Phil and Karen – and the top-notch beer! Sadly, Phil and Karen will be leaving the pub at the end of the month. To show our appreciation for their hospitality and support, we were there on Thursday not only to dance, but also to present a cheque to Phil’s chosen charity, Helen & Douglas House. It’s not quite farewell yet, though: we’ll be back at the Prince of Wales for Phil and Karen’s last weekend!