A great evening of song, beer, food, good company and of course dancing!
A few Havocs turned out on Saturday 11th October following an invitation from the origanisers of a protest against Doric’s plans for redeveloping the Westway shops and adjoining area.
The organisation was a bit confusing and we got in precisely one dance before speeches and so on took over. But we joined the human chain and played some tunes anyway.
So, for the record, the Morris dancers mentioned in the Oxford Mail report was us!
OK, so it’s not exactly The Times, but we’ve made a front page. The Buckinghamshire Advertiser wrote up the recent All Saints Beer Festival and there are pictures to go with it. You can read their coverage and see the photos on their website. The story and pictures took up the top half of page 4 in the print edition. And featured on the front page!
There was a larger writeup with some different pictures in the local parish magazine too.
Last week, we handed over a donation to the Oxfordshire Association for the Blind. Today, we received a very nice letter of thanks!
One of the people we met on our trip to Gerrards Cross was Douglas Gray. Douglas is a photographer, and is currently working on a photographic book entitled “Other People’s Trades”. He’s chosen two pictures from that day that he’d like to include in the book.
I think they’re both rather good. I’ve scaled them down slightly for the website, but I have the full versions if anyone wants them. Click on the small pictures below for my intermediate larger version.
Jim’s Mum is one of those people who Organises at her local church, All Saints in Gerrards Cross. The Church Committee heard somewhere that running a small beer festival was the latest natty fundraising idea, so they decided to try. And booked Havoc as entertainment.
Mercifully, we got a sunny September Saturday. We were given free beer – always the way to attract a Morris side – and lunch too! We also got distracted while dancing Jenny Lind by a Spitfire and a Hurricane circling overhead.
We had an unexpected guest from Chippenham Town Morris – try and spot which one he is!
And a ‘guest’ from Foxwhelp – less easy!’
We even managed to capture a video of ‘Hunt the Squirrel’.
Tuesday September 2nd, and a last evening dance out for the season at The Swan, Faringdon, as guests of Eynsham Morris, along with Oxford Border Morris Armaleggan.
As you can see, the evenings are starting to draw in, my phone camera isn’t good in low light, and I didn’t remember to ask other Havocs to take pictures.
A jolly evening nevertheless, with much singing during the session in the pub afterwards. Armaleggan know some, umm, unusual songs.
The last weekend in August. It must be Bunkfest in Wallingford.
Cry Havoc were, as usual, part of the public dance programme. We appeared at four locations around the town centre, alternating with another side for 30 minute displays.